How to Contribute

Adding New Tutorials

We welcome contributions from the community! Here's how you can add new tutorials:

1. Create a Markdown File

Create a new markdown file in the appropriate language directory under content/. For example: content/javascript/

title: "Tutorial Title"
description: "A brief description of the tutorial"
technologies: Tech1, Tech2
difficulty: "beginner"
url: ""
image: ""
## Tutorial Content
Your tutorial content here...

2. Required Fields

  • title: The name of your tutorial
  • description: A brief description (150-200 characters)
  • technologies: Comma-separated list of technologies used
  • difficulty: One of: beginner, intermediate, advanced
  • url: YouTube video or article URL
  • image: Preview image URL (16:9 ratio recommended)

3. Content Guidelines

  • Use clear, concise language
  • Include code examples where relevant
  • Break down complex concepts
  • Add screenshots or diagrams when helpful
  • Link to additional resources

4. Submit Your Contribution

1. Fork the repository
2. Create a new branch
3. Add your tutorial
4. Submit a pull request

Need Help?

If you need assistance or have questions, feel free to:

  • Open an issue on GitHub
  • Join our Discord community
  • Check our detailed contribution guide